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Alarming Trends: CDC data points to escalating obesity in multiple states

Dr. Mick Singh Health-X

Reviewed by Mick Singh, MD

Alarming Trends: CDC data points to escalating obesity in multiple states

Freshly released data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) sheds light on the increasingly prevalent issue of obesity in numerous states. In the year 2022, a total of 22 states reported that over 35% of their adult populations were grappling with obesity, marking a significant increase from the 19 states that faced this situation in 2021. A decade ago, the CDC’s records indicated that no state had reached or surpassed the concerning threshold of 35% adult obesity prevalence.

Among the states surveyed, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and West Virginia emerged as the frontrunners in terms of obesity prevalence, with over 40% of their adult populations affected by this health concern.

Regional disparities in obesity prevalence

The data also revealed regional disparities, highlighting the Midwest and the South as areas with the highest obesity rates, where approximately 36% of adults were classified as obese. In contrast, the Northeast and West regions reported comparatively lower obesity rates, with approximately 30% of adults grappling with obesity in 2022.

The data source for these revelations is the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, a survey conducted jointly by the CDC and state health departments. Individuals were categorized as having obesity if their body mass index (BMI) exceeded 30, based on self-reported measurements of height and weight.

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Notably, the latest findings underline substantial disparities in obesity prevalence among different racial and ethnic groups. In 38 states, over 35% of Black adults were identified as having obesity, and similar trends were observed in 33 states for American Indian adults and 32 states for Hispanic adults. In contrast, obesity rates among Asian adults did not surpass 35% in any state, and only 14 states recorded such prevalence among White adults.

Age also played a pivotal role in obesity rates, with young adults aged 18 to 24 reporting the lowest obesity rates, with approximately one in five individuals falling into this category. Conversely, adults between the ages of 45 and 54 faced obesity rates that were about twice as high, affecting approximately two in five individuals, as indicated by the CDC’s data. Moreover, the data highlighted a trend where obesity prevalence decreased as the level of education increased.

Dr. Karen Hacker, Director of the CDC’s National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, emphasized the urgent need for additional support in the realms of obesity prevention and treatment through the release of updated maps. Dr. Hacker underscored the multifactorial nature of obesity as a disease, arising from a complex interplay of factors, including dietary habits, physical activity levels, sleep patterns, genetics, and the use of certain medications. This complexity dictates that a one-size-fits-all approach is not sufficient.

Dr. Hacker further highlighted the importance of targeting key strategies that have proven effective. These strategies encompass addressing the underlying social determinants of health, such as ensuring access to healthcare, promoting the availability of healthy and affordable food, and creating safe environments for physical activity. In doing so, a comprehensive approach to combatting obesity takes shape, recognizing that the solution lies in a holistic response tailored to the diverse needs of individuals and communities.

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Disclaimer: If you have any medical questions or concerns, please talk to your healthcare provider. The content within the Health-X Knowledge Base is supported by peer-reviewed research and data sourced from reputable medical societies and governmental entities. It is essential to note, however, that these resources do not replace the need for personalized medical guidance, diagnosis, or treatment from a qualified medical professional.

Dr. Erica Sheck

Meet Dr. Erica Sheck, a devoted healthcare professional who is committed to improving the quality and safety of patient treatment. She contributes a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her position, as she holds a doctorate in nursing practice and family nurse practice from Rush University. As a vital member of the Health-X team, Dr. Sheck plays a crucial role in coordinating, directing, and administering patient care services, ensuring the highest medical and nursing standards are met.

During her tenure at Elysium SurgiSpa, she independently performed minor surgical and laser procedures, demonstrating her expertise and precision in specialized nursing care. In addition, Dr. Sheck refined her skills as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner at Chicago Area Pediatrics, where she provided primary care for children, demonstrating her adaptability and capacity to serve a variety of patient populations.

Dr. Sheck is not only well-versed in clinical practice, but also compassionate and generous, as evidenced by her volunteer work at Rush Oak Park Hospital, Sigma Theta, and Medical Guardian. These experiences have prepared her to excel in time-constrained and high-stress environments, providing exceptional specialized nursing care with unwavering commitment. With Dr. Erica Sheck as an integral member of the team, Health-X can confidently uphold its commitment to providing superior healthcare services, as her exemplary nursing skills have impacted the lives of innumerable individuals.

Jamie Tountas

Meet Jamie Tountas, a seasoned expert with nearly 18 years of invaluable experience. Jamie’s distinctive combination of management expertise and medical care experience enabled her to found MobileNurse, a highly regarded concierge medical service.

Her journey began with a nursing education at Elmhurst College, where she refined her healthcare-related skills and knowledge. Jamie demonstrated her leadership abilities by administering operations at the prestigious University of Chicago Hospital and Insurance Exam Services, where she gained invaluable insights into the complexities of healthcare administration. Jamie founded MobileNurse, a revolutionary platform that enables patients to receive rudimentary testing and care in the comfort of their own homes, out of a passion for developing innovative healthcare solutions.

Her commitment to patient-centered services has had a profound effect on the healthcare landscape, simplifying and enhancing the healthcare experience for innumerable individuals. Jamie contributes a wealth of experience, effective leadership, a forward-thinking perspective, and a keen eye for calculated risk management to her position as the head of strategy and operations at Health-X. Her strategic approach and aptitude for navigating the complexities of the medical industry keep Health-X at the vanguard of delivering innovative healthcare solutions. Health-X is poised to continue its mission of providing superior medical services and influencing the future of healthcare through innovation and compassion with Jamie Tountas at the helm.

Dr. Mick Singh

Meet Dr. Singh, the visionary leader driving the mission of Health-X. With a solid foundation and a wide range of expertise, he charts the strategic course and envisions the success of this innovative endeavor.

Dr. Singh is a medical professional with a degree from Rush Medical College and extensive post-graduate training in anesthesiology, interventional spine surgery, and a one-year intensive cosmetic surgery program. His extensive and varied training has influenced his healthcare philosophy, which focuses on outcomes that improve the quality of life for patients.

Prior to his current position at Health-X, Dr. Singh gained invaluable experience as an Attending Physician at Mercy Healthcare for ten years. After that, he embarked on a 7-year journey as Owner and Medical Director of Elysium SurgiSpa, where he gained a deeper understanding of patient care and satisfaction. Additionally, Dr. Singh served with distinction in the United States Air Force, attaining the rank of captain. This experience has imparted in him a sense of discipline, commitment, and dedication to excellence. Dr. Singh’s exceptional pedigree and extensive skill set place him at the vanguard of health delivery models, ensuring that Health-X remains an industry leader. Health-X continues to revolutionize healthcare under his direction, positively impacting innumerable lives with each step forward.


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